Saturday, December 02, 2006

Holidailies Day #2

Things To Do Today
finish cleaning off my desk
post here
make soup for dinner
grocery shop
cross-stitch 1 skein of Sara's gift

It's Saturday - why do I feel like I have to be doing something super-productive?

Tomorrow I'm having coffee with Bobby, then will be productive for a bit (maybe?) and then meeting Sara for a bit to go to Nordstrom's customer appreciation night thing. That shall be fun - Sara and I always have a lot of fun together.

2006-12-02: "Appreciating the smallest things" by The Visible Woman.
What small things do I appreciate? daily
provolone cheese
a full tank of gas
sleeping in on the weekends
clean laundry
a smile from a stranger
my roommate and I laugh our asses off together

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