Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I haven't posted in a long time.
A LONG time.
Lots and lots has been going on in my life and I'm (once again) having to stand up for myself and scream to be heard. At least someone is listening.

I moved out of the house I used to live in ... that roommate got all weird on me ... so now I live with another girl my age and I love it. We hang out all the time and were fast friends in it all.

I filed divorce papers last week ... the final papers went to the courthouse yesterday ... they are out of my hands now. I had to file them because he was SO slow in taking care of them. It is done now though ... I'll just have to wait to hear back from the judge.

What else? Uhm, I'm looking for a new job. My current boss is treating me like junk so I'm moving on. I have two interviews within my hospital scheduled and am already looking forward to them. : )

I don't know what will make me write more here. I have a LiveJournal and write there ... but I can't seem to just copy & paste things from there to here. Maybe I'll move the bookmark to the LJ bookmark and that will help.

I'm almost done with my statistics course. It's good. I'm glad I took it and am glad that it's almost done. I have grad school applications (for a Master's in Public Health) due in February and am working on those. School is fun stuff. : )

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