Sunday, August 06, 2006

This is the other side of the bathroom. I have two glass shelves and I will probably put pictures on one of them and "stuff" on the other. We'll see. For now, my roommates stuf sits on it. :)

This is my corner in the study. I may soon have a steel and glass "corner" desk that I'll put there so that I can craft in a certain spot. We'll see ... if not I hope to move a chair in so that I have another places to just sit and BE.
This is the kitchen and dining room if viewed from the hallway. The floor pattern cracks me up and I really like it. There is plenty of storage in here, and although it's a bit cluttered, I'll make due with what I can change. : )

This is the living room view from the hallway. It's painted a sagey green and calming. The chair AND couch are super-comfortable and I would have no problem relaxing out there. There is also a woodburning fireplace inside that we actually get to USE during the cold month! I like fire. :D Posted by Picasa

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