Monday, August 14, 2006

I found a cool site that will put your pictures into this format, so I had to do some of my favorites.

I love how it handled the one of me - that my eyes are in one shot and my nose and mouth are in another. I also am happy that you can't see my wedding ring & bands in it. This was taken in May - when I thought things were a-okay. : )

It's my favorite picture of myself, ever, and so I was really pleased with it. I may do something within my profile with the shot, or I may play with the number of polaroids they use to see what differences I can make.
I love this picture of Bobby and I ... even now. I especially love that there are SO many fragmented little pieces in this big set ... as things really are now. This is a really old picture (September of last year, I think?) and the trip holds so many good memories for me; I think it always will.

I am all about the photograph sharing today, huh? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jen said...

OK, so I haven't been very good at keeping up with blogs lately, but I realized last night that you haven't been around the Intarrrrrrrrrrweb...hope everything's ok. *hugs*